Knowledge Management Principals

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts and components of knowledge management. Analyse a unit according to the entity’s knowledge management policies and procedures. Develop a knowledge management implementation plan for a unit.

Team participation in decision making

Recognising team member performance. Encouraging participation in decision-making. Delegating tasks. Reviewing decisions and the progress with delegated tasks.

Leadership analyses and theories

It will enable learners to gain insight into the role of leadership within a work context, and thus providing them with the skills and knowledge to add value to one’s job.

Building a thriving culture of innovation

The features of an environment conducive to innovation include openness, creative thinking, questioning, encouragement of risk-taking, rewards for innovation, as well as a culture of enquiry, challenging the status quo and learning from mistakes.

Manage diversity adding value

Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of diversity in the workplace. Demonstrating understanding of the reality of diversity and its value in a unit. Managing team members taking into account similarities and differences.

Ethic principles to improve company culture

Demonstrating understanding of the relationship between values, ethics and organisational culture and its impact on achieving goals and objectives. Applying the concept of corporate ethics to a unit. Analysing the unit in relation to the principles of corporate ethics.

Building a winning team, goals, and objectives

Demonstrating knowledge of and insight into the theory of teams and the importance of teams in workplace activities. Applying the theory of teams to team dynamics. Explaining the process of building teams.

Effective communication techniques

Qualifying learners can demonstrate an understanding of a range of oral and written communication techniques. They are able to effectively use these techniques as required during the course of their work in a supervisory and/or senior technical capacity in an organisation.

Indorse a learning culture

Investigate and analyse the status of the learning culture within the organisation. Develop strategies for the promotion of a learning culture within the organisation. Implement strategies to promote a learning culture.

Recruitment resourcing strategy

Is intended for people who recruit and select people for defined positions within an organisation or the personnel recruitment industry.

Project planning development to evaluation

Is intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second-level managers such as heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, who may have more than one team reporting to them.

Talent management and people development

Analysing education, training and development needs of members of a unit. Recording the results of the training needs analysis. Compiling a people development plan for a work unit. Managing the implementation of a people development plan for a unit.

Team Performance monitor and appraise

Formulating performance standards for team members in a unit. Establishing systems for monitoring performance of team members. Preparing for a performance review of a team member. Conducting performance review interview.

Operational Planning

A systematic process is followed to develop goals, objectives and performance standards that are clear, concise, measurable and achievable.

Unit Finance Management

Demonstrating an understanding of the key concepts of managerial finance. Interpreting financial statements. Drafting financial forecasts. Drafting budgets according to operational plans of the unit.

Mathematical analysis to economics and finance

Appropriate methods are selected for collecting, recording and organising financial and/economic data.

Effective Risk Management

Demonstrating an understanding of business processes and potential risks to a unit. Identifying potential risks and assessing the impact thereof in a unit.

Systematic approach to feasible decisions

Applying critical and analytical skills to analyse an issue or problem. Engage with stakeholders in analysing the issue/problem and developing solutions. Selecting feasible solutions through a systems approach. Formulating and communicating the decision.

Maintain workplace relationships

Liaise and network with internal and external stakeholders.

Change management building blocks

  • Recognising areas in need of change.
  • Making recommendations for change.
  • Implementing change.

Conflict negotiations

  • Prepare for negotiations;
  • Conduct negotiations;
  • Conclude negotiations; and
  • Evaluate negotiations.

Effective Change Management Process

Demonstrating knowledge of and insight into the need for change within the context of environment change. Analysing an area requiring a change process. Selecting a model for implementing a change management process. Formulating recommendations on implementing the change process.

Select and develop first line leaders

  • This workshop is intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second-level managers such as heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, who may have more than one team reporting to them.
  • Selecting a first-line manager for a specific position.
  • Planning the coaching process of a first-line manager.
  • Coaching selected first-line manager.
  • Monitoring and measuring the results of coaching sessions.

Cultivate emotional intelligence

Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the principles and concepts of emotional intelligence in respect of life and work relations. Analysing the role of emotional intelligence in interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships in life and work situations.

Understanding Conflict Management

Can identify and manage the resolution of personal conflict between persons or parties. The main focus will be on the workplace although the same principles can be used elsewhere.

Effective Customer Relationships

The Effective Customer Relationships Workshop aims to enhance participants’ skills in delivering exceptional service and fostering lasting connections with customers. This engaging workshop adopts a “back to basics” approach, empowering attendees to navigate customer interactions with renewed confidence and enthusiasm.

Document Management and Record-keeping

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of the outline process for document management and record keeping in accordance with organisational policy and procedures and other related legislative and business system requirements.

Computerised Information Processing

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of how to create, design and produce organisational documents using complex technical features.

Resource and Procurement Management

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of how to obtain or procure goods and services efficiently and effectively and allocate the units resources when and where they are needed.

Introduction to social media and digital platforms

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of how to access, scan and evaluate the multilingual and multi-literacy online environments to utilize digital technology to facilitate sharing and networking with internal and external stakeholders.

Office Protocol, Etiquette and Manner

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of international protocol requirements; develop an appreciation for professional etiquette and diplomacy; cultural diversity, multicultural communication.

Business Communication and Customer Services

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of the application of business communication principles through creation of effective business documents and oral presentations.

Ready for work standards

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of the overview of the soft skills needed to be an effective member of an organisation through self- management skills.

Basic Business Calculations

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of the skills and knowledge required to use a range of common calculation methods and techniques for conducting routine financial calculations and transactions.

Understand End User Computing

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of end-use computing. Intended to empower learners to acquire the knowledge required to operate confidently in the basic skill of creating word documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. They will also be able to create, send and receive e-mails in the course of their work.

Business Documentation and Design

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of how to develop the skills and knowledge required to establish standards for the design and production of organisational documents and to manage document design and production processes to ensure agreed standards are met.

Admin’s guide to planning a meeting

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of how to coordinate meetings and do pre and post arrangements for meetings, as well as the documentation supporting and accompanying meetings.

Introduction to Project Management

The focus of this workshop is to build an understanding of the key elements of the project management life cycle.